

Selasa, 13 November 2012

Understanding The Flow Of Production Process Multimedia Products

Understanding The Flow Of Production Process Multimedia Products
Describes the process of pre production multimedia
Describes the process of pre production multimedia
Multimedia Production process flow.
In general, Pre-Production phase will be a long time even comparison can reach 75%
Production process flow diagram Multimedia

Describes the process of pre production multimedia
Process flow diagram Pre-Production.
In principle, this process includes the process: casting ideas (proposals) products,
  1. product planning,
  2. planning the production process,
  3. preparation of documentation,
  4. drafting team,
  5. build a prototype,
  6. management and copyright
  7. Signing a contract
  8. financing
Describes the process of pre production multimedia
Pre Production work process:
In short the pre-production set of ideas and stories sketches several important scenes in the form of a script to the story.
Storyboard ago created a script to translate into success story more play. Created Character & background figures early. Then, create a Key frame
Describes the process of pre production multimedia
Pre Production work process:
Test Shot, a short series of images I dirender in full color to ensure technical and renderingnya movement.
Before the process of starting their own animation cells, the concept of the story that needed to be made in the form of narrative
Describes the process of pre production multimedia
Some of the elements that need to be considered pre-production
  1. What is the purpose and the message you want delivered? And what works
  2. Who the audience will be heading? Who will be the end-user of this work, such as flat what form their multimedia playback?
  3. What the client wants?
  4. or create something entirely new?
  5. Are facilities that support for the project have been met?
Describes the process of pre production multimedia
  1. Inventory software is needed.
  2. People involved in inventory and distribution of job description
  3. Make a schedule of work.
  4. Plan cost of the required
  5. Distribution of the work plan.
  6. Update the results of work

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